We are a young game studio based in North America
We hope to share some great stories and memorable experiences through games that help people and bring them together.
Feel free to stick around as we wander through life together.
Dev Members include:
aka: mosertron
itch.io: https://mosertron.itch.io/
youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLhR-nzxQXhMaBI-ZLIK8LA
aka: MurraymonDaxos, Murray
itch.io: https://murraymon.itch.io/
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murraymondaxos/
aka: Vel, Velskin
youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjFXZLF7FbdEMvnS5dGI40A
Official Wandering Star social media:
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wanderingstar_gamestudio/
twitter: TBA
youtube: TBA
A list of games made by us here at Wandering Star. Some games may be uploaded to our developers personal accounts, go show them some support for putting in all the hard work on our games!